the script file is here
'# SCRIPT.........: setTime.vbs
'# AUTHOR.........: UNKNOWN
'# VERSION........: 1.5
'# DATE...........: 02-21-06
'# REVISED BY.....: Joe Glessner, rajamohan m
'# REVISION DATE..: 03-13-07, 05-05-12
'# REQUIREMENTS...: Windows OS with at least IE5 installed.
'# DESCRIPTION....: Synchronizes the system time with an internet time server.
'# NOTES..........:
'# CUSTOMIZE......: modified by Rajamohan M, added new time servers
'# Add it to the start up scripts to sync the time, if the bios battery life is sucked up.
'**Start Encode**
'# Declare Variables
Option Explicit
Dim ws, strTitle
Set ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strTitle = "Time modified by Rajamohan.m"
'# Check system compatibility.
Dim http
Call ChkCompat
'# Read time zone offset hex value from Registry.
Dim TimeOffset, HexVal
TimeOffset = ws.RegRead("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\" & _
'# Reg value format varies between Win9x and NT
If IsArray(TimeOffset) Then
'Win9x uses a reversed 4 element array of Hex values.
HexVal = Hex(TimeOffset(3)) & Hex(TimeOffset(2)) & _
Hex(TimeOffset(1)) & Hex(TimeOffset(0))
Else 'Must be a NT system.
HexVal = Hex(TimeOffset)
End If
'# Convert to minutes of time zone offset.
TimeOffset = - CLng("&H" & HexVal)
'# Get time from server. Recheck up to 5 times if lagged.
Dim n, timechk, localdate, lag, gmttime
Dim timeserv
'# Check primary server, US Naval Observatory
timeserv = ""& now() "GET",timeserv,false
On Error Resume Next
If Err Then
'Use backup server, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
timeserv = ""
End If
On Error GoTo 0
For n = 0 to 4 "GET",timeserv,false
'Check response time to avoid invalid errors.
timechk = Now
On Error Resume Next
If Err Then
If Err = -2146697211 Then
MsgBox "Both Time Servers unavailable!"
MsgBox "Unknown Error occurred, " & Err
End If
End If
On Error GoTo 0
localdate = Now
lag = DateDiff("s", timechk, localdate)
'Key concept for script is reading header date.
gmttime = http.getResponseHeader("Date")
'Trim results to valid date format.
gmttime = right(gmttime, len(gmttime) - 5)
gmttime = left(gmttime, len(gmttime) - 3)
'If less than 2 seconds lag we can use the results.
If lag < 2 Then Exit For
'# If still too much lag after 5 attemps, quit.
If n = 4 then
ws.Popup "Unable to establish a reliable connection " & _
"with time server. This could be due to the " & _
"time server being too busy, your connection " & _
"already in use, or a poor connection." & vbcrlf & _
vbcrlf & "Please try again later.", 5, strTitle
End If
'# Time and date error calculations.
Dim remotedate, diff, newnow, newdate, newtime, ddiff, sdiff
'Add local time zone offset to GMT returned from USNO server.
remotedate = DateAdd("n", timeoffset, gmttime)
'Calculate seconds difference betweed remote and local.
diff = DateDiff("s", localdate, remotedate)
'Adjust for difference and lag to get actual time.
newnow = DateAdd("s", diff + lag, now)
'Split out date and calculate any difference.
newdate = FormatDateTime(DateValue(newnow))
ddiff = DateDiff("d", Date, newdate)
'Split out time.
newtime = TimeValue(newnow)
'Convert time to 24 hr format required for OS compatibility.
newtime = Right(0 & Hour(newtime), 2) & ":" & _
Right(0 & Minute(newtime), 2) & ":" & _
Right(0 & Second(newtime), 2)
'Calculate time difference.
sdiff = DateDiff("s", time, newtime)
'# If off by 1 or more seconds, adjust local time
Dim tmsg
If sdiff < 2 and sdiff > -2 Then
tmsg = "System is accurate to within " & _
"1 second. System time not changed."
'Run DOS Time command in hidden window.
ws.Run "%comspec% /c time " & newtime, 0
tmsg = "System time off by " & sdiff & _
" seconds. System time changed to " & _
End If
'If date off, change it.
Dim dmsg
If ddiff <> 0 Then
ws.Run "%comspec% /c date " & newdate, 0
dmsg = "Date off by " & ddiff & " days. System date changed " & _
"to " & FormatDateTime(newdate,1) & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
End If
'# Show the changes
ws.Popup "Time syncronizion using " & timeserv & vbcrlf & _
vbcrlf & dmsg & tmsg, 15, strTitle, 4096
Call Cleanup
'# Subs
'# Check compatability
Sub ChkCompat
On Error Resume Next
Set http = CreateObject("microsoft.xmlhttp")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
ws.Popup "Process Aborted!" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _
"Minimum system requirements to run this " & _
"script are Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 " & _
"with Internet Explorer 5.", , strTitle
End If
End Sub
'# Cleanup
Sub Cleanup
Set ws = Nothing
Set http = Nothing
End Sub
'# End CODE
'# SCRIPT.........: setTime.vbs
'# AUTHOR.........: UNKNOWN
'# VERSION........: 1.5
'# DATE...........: 02-21-06
'# REVISED BY.....: Joe Glessner, rajamohan m
'# REVISION DATE..: 03-13-07, 05-05-12
'# REQUIREMENTS...: Windows OS with at least IE5 installed.
'# DESCRIPTION....: Synchronizes the system time with an internet time server.
'# NOTES..........:
'# CUSTOMIZE......: modified by Rajamohan M, added new time servers
'# Add it to the start up scripts to sync the time, if the bios battery life is sucked up.
'**Start Encode**
'# Declare Variables
Option Explicit
Dim ws, strTitle
Set ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strTitle = "Time modified by Rajamohan.m"
'# Check system compatibility.
Dim http
Call ChkCompat
'# Read time zone offset hex value from Registry.
Dim TimeOffset, HexVal
TimeOffset = ws.RegRead("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\" & _
'# Reg value format varies between Win9x and NT
If IsArray(TimeOffset) Then
'Win9x uses a reversed 4 element array of Hex values.
HexVal = Hex(TimeOffset(3)) & Hex(TimeOffset(2)) & _
Hex(TimeOffset(1)) & Hex(TimeOffset(0))
Else 'Must be a NT system.
HexVal = Hex(TimeOffset)
End If
'# Convert to minutes of time zone offset.
TimeOffset = - CLng("&H" & HexVal)
'# Get time from server. Recheck up to 5 times if lagged.
Dim n, timechk, localdate, lag, gmttime
Dim timeserv
'# Check primary server, US Naval Observatory
timeserv = ""& now() "GET",timeserv,false
On Error Resume Next
If Err Then
'Use backup server, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
timeserv = ""
End If
On Error GoTo 0
For n = 0 to 4 "GET",timeserv,false
'Check response time to avoid invalid errors.
timechk = Now
On Error Resume Next
If Err Then
If Err = -2146697211 Then
MsgBox "Both Time Servers unavailable!"
MsgBox "Unknown Error occurred, " & Err
End If
End If
On Error GoTo 0
localdate = Now
lag = DateDiff("s", timechk, localdate)
'Key concept for script is reading header date.
gmttime = http.getResponseHeader("Date")
'Trim results to valid date format.
gmttime = right(gmttime, len(gmttime) - 5)
gmttime = left(gmttime, len(gmttime) - 3)
'If less than 2 seconds lag we can use the results.
If lag < 2 Then Exit For
'# If still too much lag after 5 attemps, quit.
If n = 4 then
ws.Popup "Unable to establish a reliable connection " & _
"with time server. This could be due to the " & _
"time server being too busy, your connection " & _
"already in use, or a poor connection." & vbcrlf & _
vbcrlf & "Please try again later.", 5, strTitle
End If
'# Time and date error calculations.
Dim remotedate, diff, newnow, newdate, newtime, ddiff, sdiff
'Add local time zone offset to GMT returned from USNO server.
remotedate = DateAdd("n", timeoffset, gmttime)
'Calculate seconds difference betweed remote and local.
diff = DateDiff("s", localdate, remotedate)
'Adjust for difference and lag to get actual time.
newnow = DateAdd("s", diff + lag, now)
'Split out date and calculate any difference.
newdate = FormatDateTime(DateValue(newnow))
ddiff = DateDiff("d", Date, newdate)
'Split out time.
newtime = TimeValue(newnow)
'Convert time to 24 hr format required for OS compatibility.
newtime = Right(0 & Hour(newtime), 2) & ":" & _
Right(0 & Minute(newtime), 2) & ":" & _
Right(0 & Second(newtime), 2)
'Calculate time difference.
sdiff = DateDiff("s", time, newtime)
'# If off by 1 or more seconds, adjust local time
Dim tmsg
If sdiff < 2 and sdiff > -2 Then
tmsg = "System is accurate to within " & _
"1 second. System time not changed."
'Run DOS Time command in hidden window.
ws.Run "%comspec% /c time " & newtime, 0
tmsg = "System time off by " & sdiff & _
" seconds. System time changed to " & _
End If
'If date off, change it.
Dim dmsg
If ddiff <> 0 Then
ws.Run "%comspec% /c date " & newdate, 0
dmsg = "Date off by " & ddiff & " days. System date changed " & _
"to " & FormatDateTime(newdate,1) & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
End If
'# Show the changes
ws.Popup "Time syncronizion using " & timeserv & vbcrlf & _
vbcrlf & dmsg & tmsg, 15, strTitle, 4096
Call Cleanup
'# Subs
'# Check compatability
Sub ChkCompat
On Error Resume Next
Set http = CreateObject("microsoft.xmlhttp")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
ws.Popup "Process Aborted!" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _
"Minimum system requirements to run this " & _
"script are Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 " & _
"with Internet Explorer 5.", , strTitle
End If
End Sub
'# Cleanup
Sub Cleanup
Set ws = Nothing
Set http = Nothing
End Sub
'# End CODE
save the script using vbs extension
open run by window key + R
type gpedit.msc
open/expand ->windows scripts -> startup/shutdown-> startup,
add the above script